The Challenges of Hunting with a Guide
By Chad Rodgers/Rod Radcliffe/Chris Curtis | DS/MOOSE/AK/GD/PL
To sheep hunt as a nonresident in Alaska, you’re required to have a guide. Hunting with a guide can be challenging and extremely frustrating at times, especially if you are a seasoned hunter used to DIY hunting. There can often be a misconception that a guide has your same drive and passion, similar hunting strategies and experience, open mindedness, the mental and physical strength to hunt hard, yet intelligently, a tolerable personality, and ultimately the same objective. Yet, this isn’t always the case.
There are a lot of great guides out there and we all do our best to hire a good guide, but what do you do when you get stuck with a challenging guide on a hunt of a lifetime? Do you fold and let it ruin your hunt, or do you find a way to persevere and obtain your goal?