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Eastmans’ Collective

Welcome to The Eastmans' Collective!

Eastmans’ has been your source for the best western big game hunting information since 1987 and we’ve expanded that information with Eastmans’ Deer Collective and Elk Collective. Each platform is optimized to help you become the best elk and/or mule deer hunter you can be. Providing you with proven hunting tactics, strategies and information that’s been field tested for three generations and counting. Eastmans’ Elk Collective and Deer Collective will maximize your results out West from your very first lesson. Don’t waste years riding the learning rollercoaster when we’ve assembled all the knowledge you need to be successful next season in a pair of easy to access platforms: Eastmans’ Deer Collective and Elk Collective.

Get TOTAL ACCESS for $129.99 Now!

The Deer Collective Virtual Course

The goal of this video course is to make you a better mule deer hunter no matter if you’re a seasoned vet or just getting your feet wet. Your teachers, Guy Eastman, Dan Pickar and Brian Barney, have more than 80 years of combined experience chasing these iconic deer of the West. Those years of experience are put to work for you in this course. The Deer Collective Virtual Course contains over 100 videos that are continually being updated and improved, providing you with mule deer hunting information found nowhere else. You will learn everything you need to become the best mule deer hunter you can be. From finding trophy mulie bucks, to stalking, shooting, field care and gear to scoring and E-scouting, this course is a step by step blueprint to tagging your best buck yet!

Derek, AB
Derek, AB
I enrolled in The Deer Collective Virtual Course to begin to get in the mule deer mindset. Even though I would consider myself an experienced hunter. I started to watch and read as much material as I could about the subject, watching all the Eastmans’ field judging videos to make sure that I would achieve my goal of a B&C 180-190 class buck.
Bill E.
Bill E.
Having insights from Brian and Dan first hand via video was awesome. You could really tell their enthusiasm and dedication to the sport. Thanks Again!
Terrel O.
Terrel O.
I really enjoyed the content...Explaining individual hunts, the breakdown was awesome...Good job guys!
Aaron G.
Aaron G.
The course has been a complete game changer for me...I see a lot more action as far as finding bigger trophy mule deer. In the previous years I would get so frustrated, aimlessly walking around, only finding yearlings and does...This has helped sharpen my skills tremendously...
Forrest E.
Forrest E.
An excellent course by 3 passionate mule deer 🦌 hunters and enthusiasts. It is well laid out and easy to follow along with. I would definitely recommend this course, I learned a few things and these passionate guys make me want to go out west and hunt mule deer 🦌 than I did already.
Norm A.
Norm A.
Great course! I am new to Mule Deer hunting, living in the Northeast I haven't had the opportunity. Doing my first DIY in Montana fall of 23 with my son. The passion of Guy, Brian and Dan is obvious.

The Elk Collective Virtual Course

What does a “Collective” mean?
It’s about a group, it’s about YOU!
The Elk Collective was formed to share elk hunting knowledge from different opinions and success styles to help you become a better elk hunter. There’s more than one right way to hunt elk, more than one place to hunt elk and be successful and we are here to show you elk hunting from every angle possible. Everything from calling, fitness, nutrition, equipment, setup, scouting, how to get tags and more… Oh, and did we mention we’ll be tossing in content on other species as well from time-to-time?! The Elk Collective is a digital EVOLVING virtual course to help give you the edge on becoming an elk hunter who fills the freezer each fall!
No more tag soup, JOIN TODAY

Darren W
Darren W
What I love most about these courses is that these men with their decades of experience are earnestly trying to help you succeed. If you think you know elk and elk hunting you'll still be learning things with each lesson.
Beau B
Beau B
The elk collective course is an excellent way for new hunters and seasoned elk hunters with multiple kills under their belt to 'shorten the learning curve'. Elk hunting is very different from many other types of hunting and if you want to do it right, you have to have help from people that know. The Elk Collective is a conglomerate of subject matter experts that know and want to teach you what they know. Get the course, watch all the videos and you will shorten your learning curve.
Daniel C
Daniel C
I have grown up in the Midwest, hunting whitetail and turkeys. I have always wanted to hunt elk, but I wasn't really sure where to start. The Elk Collective has given me a ton of information and good ideas. I feel much better about starting this process after having watched the videos. I am also a lot more excited about trying this hunt as a DIY. I am sure it will be tough, but it will be a new and exciting experience and that is what I am really looking for.
Dustin C
Dustin C
Great course, wether you've never hunted elk before or you're a veteran, you always have something to learn. The more people you can learn from the better. Everyone is here to see you successful and the best hunter that you can be!
Jam packed with a wealth of knowledge that any elk hunter would need (new or seasoned veterans). Worth every penny, so I renewed again. Keep up the good work!
This is a great course all around for what you need to know to hunt elk. Will give you the tools needed for the different situations you will have while out on the hunt.

Get TOTAL ACCESS for $129.99 Now!

Get the best HUNTING shows, books, magazines, & videos (ONLY - $8 per month)


TagHub | Supercharge Your Research
• Data/Map Driven Draw Odds for Western hunts
• Trophy Potential & mapping
• EHJ/EBJ Journals Print Magazines


Elk Collective
• Video Driven Elk Calling Lessons
• E-Scouting & How To Get Tags
• Tips & Tactics, & Shooting Techniques


Deer Collective
• Course Instructors 80 years of Combined Experience
• Video Driven 24/7 access to Brian, Guy and Dan inside the course
• Over 100+ detailed videos
• Tactics, strategy, tips & skills for all skill

Get TOTAL ACCESS for $129.99 Now!

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