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Watch Eastmans’ Hunting TV

Eastmans Hunting TV

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New episodes posted every week! Check back!

Bow Hunting Whitetail Deer

Go bow hunting with Dan Pickar for a public land whitetail buck. This is a spot and stalk hunt on the ground.

Mule Deer Hunt, 2023 Eastmans' Hunt Winners

Hunt mule deer with Guy Eastman and our two 2023 Eastmans’ hunt winners.

Hunting the Whitetail Rut

Hunt whitetail during September and into the November rut with Eastmans’ staffer Scott Reekers.

Wyoming Antelope Double

Hunt Wyoming antelope with Eastmans’ staff.

Derek Wolfe Hunts The Whitetail Rut

Former NFL-player Derek Wolfe hunts whitetail deer in Montana with Ike Eastman.

Bowhunting Backcountry Bucks DIY

Bowhunter Dan Pickar takes to the mountains of Wyoming on a solo hunt for a trophy mule deer. Pickar is surprised by the big buck of a lifetime in this jaw-dropping hunt.

Season of Giants

Sit down with Mike Eastman as he shares stories from the 2014 hunting season. This was a season of giants for the Eastman family. You won’t want to miss the 2015 season fo Eastmans’ Hunting TV.

Hunting Public Land Elk, Part 2

Ike Eastman hunts public land elk in grizzly bear country.

Best Public Land Hunts

Tag along on some of Eastmans’ best public land hunts with host Ike Eastman.

Backcountry Elk in Wyoming

Hunt backcountry elk with Guy Eastman and his wife Rinda. This is a horseback hunt in grizzly bear country.

Antelope Double in Colorado

Hunt for a trophy pronghorn in Colorado with Ike Eastman and our 2023 TagHub hunt winners.

Once-in-a-Lifetime Moose Hunt | Part 1

Hunt Shiras’ moose with Guy Eastman in northwest Wyoming.

Once-in-a-Lifetime Moose Hunt | Part 2

The conclusion of Guy Eastman’s Shiras’ moose hunt in northwest Wyoming.

Wyoming Mule Deer Hunting

Come along with Ike Eastman on a mule deer hunt in the sagebrush country of southern Wyoming. Some might describe this hunting area as a buck hunter’s dream despite the effect of a recent drought. Persistence pays off on this hunt when Ike finds a trophy mossback buck.


New episodes posted every week! Check back!

Colorado Elk and Deer Hunts

Guy Eastman hunts with his nephew for his first bull elk. Then Guy turns his attention to a 200+ velvet mule deer.

Mule Deer Hunt, 2022 Eastmans' Hunt Winners

This could be you! Guy Eastman and Brandon Mason hunt mule deer with our 2022 hunt winners in Montana.

Colorado Elk with BRCC

Hunting trophy elk in Colorado with Guy Eastman and Baker Leavitt of Black Rifle Coffee Company.

Mule Deer Hunt with the Eastmans'

Join Eastmans’ annual family mule deer hunt in Wyoming’s sagebrush sea.

Double Antelope Hunt

Hunt trophy antelope in Colorado with two Eastmans’ TagHub hunt winners.

Hunting the Peace River (Pt 1)

Travel north to hunt black bear and waterfowl in Alberta.

Bow Hunting Public Land Bucks

Bow hunter Dan Pickar is after public land mule deer. Persistence pays off on this DIY hunt.

Spring Bear Bow Hunt

Hunt spring black bears with Ike Eastman and Brandon Mason. It gets exciting when they harvest two bears in one hunt!

Bow Hunting the Whitetail Rut

Bow hunt river bottom whitetail deer during the rut with Dan Pickar.

Colorado Elk with the 2022 Eastmans' Hunt Winner

Join an unbelievable Colorado elk hunt with the 2022 EASTMANS’ BOWHUNTING JOURNAL hunt winner and Ike Eastman.

Colorado Elk with the 2022 TagHub Hunt Winner

Hunt for a trophy bull with Eastmans’ 2022 TagHub hunt winner in Colorado.

Hunting the Peace River (Pt 2)

Hunt Peace River waterfowl and giant black bears with Eastmans’.


Elite and Standard Members get to watch ALL EHTV Seasons!!

Bow Hunting Backcountry Elk, 2021

Ride horseback into Wyoming’s backcountry to hunt elk in the rut with Dan Pickar.

Big Bulls on Public Land

Go elk hunting for big Wyoming bulls! John Stovall has waited 13 years for the chance at his dream hunt.

Winter Range Hunt for Giant Mule Deer

Hunting deer during the rut is rare! Tag along on a late season public land mule deer hunt.

Hunting High Country Giants

Pack the llamas for high country mule deer with Eastmans’ staffer Scott Reekers.

Bow Hunting Public Land Elk,

Bow hunter Dan Pickar heads into steep, timbered country to hunt a public land bull elk.

Hunting a 200+ Cheater Buck

Tag along on a hunt for a 200-inch Colorado giant! Ike Eastman is hunting mule deer with Rob Gates of Savage Arms.

Colorado Elk with the 2021 Eastmans' Hunt Winner

Go elk hunting with the 2021 EASTMANS’ BOWHUNTING JOURNAL. Keith Sellner joins Guy Eastman for an elk hunt he won’t soon forget!

Montana Deer Hunting, 2021

Hunt deer in Montana with Andy York, President of Sig Sauer. The hunters use a Gordon Eastman trick to close the deal on a mature buck.

Bow Hunting Spring Bears

Dan Pickar bow hunts spring black bears. His reflexes are put to the test when a wounded bear charges at 5 yards.

Bow Hunting Alaska Caribou

Travel north to the vast wilderness of Alaska with Brian Barney and Brandon Mason to chase caribou!

2021 Mule Deer Hunt
with the Eastmans' Hunt Winner

Hunt Montana mule deer with Guy Eastman and the 2021 EASTMANS’ HUNTING JOURNAL hunt winner.

Bear Hunting with BRCC

Tag along on a September black bear hunt with Black Rifle Coffee Company and Eastmans’. The crew turns up four bears in one morning!

DIY Bow Hunting Mule Deer, 2021

Eastmans’ Elevated podcast host Brian Barney bow hunts for public land deer.

Bow Hunting Velvet Bucks

Load up your backpack and hike into the high country to bow hunt deer with Brian Barney. Brian is the host of the Eastmans’ Elevated podcast.

Ike's 200 Inch Buck

Ike Eastman hunts his biggest mule deer buck yet! Trophy hunting is conservation and this episode proves it.

Colorado Elk with the 2020 Eastmans' Hunt Winner

Go elk hunting with the 2020 EASTMANS’ BOWHUNTING JOURNAL. Douglas Dick joins Guy Eastman for an elk hunt he won’t soon forget!

Hunting Prairie Pronghorn

Guy Eastman hunts pronghorn with family friend Fred Truelood. It’s a two for one antelope episode.

2020 Eastmans' Mule Deer Hunt Winner

Subscriber Ricky Bobbit hunts mule deer with Guy Eastman. Bobbit was the winner of the 2020 EHJ hunt giveaway, an opportunity he won’t soon forget!

Bow hunting Public Land Antelope, 2020

Eastmans’ staffer Dan Pickar scours public land for a trophy pronghorn antelope.  He puts his decoy to work on this bow hunt.

Bow Hunt Public Land Mule Deer, 2020

Public land bow hunting for mule deer is as tough as it gets! This is a spot and stalk bow hunt with Justin and Dan Pickar.

Bow Hunting the Elk Rut, 2020

Eastmans’ Dan Pickar calls in two bulls at once on this public land DIY bow hunt. The elk rut at it’s best!

Elk Hunting Grizzly Country

Hike into grizzly bear country with Ike Eastman on a public land elk hunt. It’s a limited tag area with no shortage of trophy bulls.

Bow Hunting Open Country Bucks

Cover country to bow hunt for public land mule deer with Brian Barney. Barney hosts Eastmans’ Elevated hunting podcast.

DIY Mule Deer Hunt

Join Ike Eastman on his 2019 mule deer hunt. Can he close the deal on a mature typical buck?

Bow Hunting the Elk Rut, 2020

Eastmans’ staffer Dan Pickar and his brother Justin bow hunt public land elk during the rut.

Grizzly Country Elk Hunt

Go elk hunting on grizzly bear infested public lands. This is a DIY adventure!

Mountain Goat Bow Hunt

Take a horse ride into camp with Eastmans’ Dan Pickar and Kelly Burr for a once-in-a-lifetime bow hunt in the rugged, cliff country that mountain goats call home.

Bow Hunting Desert Country Bucks

Cover country to bow hunt for public land mule deer with Brian Barney. Barney hosts Eastmans’ Elevated hunting podcast.


Desert Elk Hunting

Guy Eastman heads to the desert to hunt elk with family friend Fred Trueblood. They turn up a beast of a bull!

Oakbrush Cheater Buck

Scour the foot hills for a Colorado mule deer with Ike Eastman. Ike’s searching for his first cheater buck.

Big Bucks in

Head north to hunt mule deer in Alberta with Eastmans’ staffer Brandon Mason. Hunting, wide open river banks country makes it easy to find deer, getting in close is another matter.

Colorado Elk with the 2019
Eastmans’ Hunt Winner

Join a dream elk hunt with Eastmans’ subscriber Tom Rappe. He’s hunting with Guy Eastman for a Rocky Mountain trophy bull. Rappe was the lucky winner of the the 2019 EASTMANS’ BOWHUNTING JOURNAL elk hunt.

Mule Deer Hunt with the
2019 Eastmans’ Hunt Winner

EASTMANS’ HUNTING JOURNAL subscriber Cole Rolfe hunts mule deer with Guy Eastman. Rolfe won the 2019 EHJ hunt giveaway, an opportunity he won’t soon forget!

Bowhunting Public Land Bulls

Brian Barney has to battle the elements when a heavy October snowstorm hits Montana. Persistence pays off when Barney arrows a public land bull elk.

Bow hunting Public Land Antelope

Eastmans’ Dan Pickar tests his sneaking skills on a DIY antelope bow hunt.

Montana Speed Goats
with a Decoy

Eastmans’ Dan Pickar puts his decoy skills to work on a September antelope hunt. It’s the peak of the rut on this DIY, public land hunt.

Bowhunting Montana
Mule Deer, 2019

Go on public land bow hunting with Eastmans’ staffer Jordan Breshears. He locates a great deer in an unexpected spot. It’s going to take work and creativity to close the deal on this mule deer.

Three Antelope Bucks!
One Hunting Trip

Three antelope eat dirt in this action packed episode! Join Ike and Guy Eastman, plus EASTMANS’ HUNTING JOURNAL digital subscription hunt winner, to chase Colorado speed goats.

Bowhunting Northern
Speed Goats

Two antelope bucks hit the dirt in this double feature. Bow hunt Montana and Wyoming public lands with the Eastmans’ crew.

Nebraska Mule Deer Hunting

Travel to the prairie of Nebraska with Ike Eastman. He’s hunting grassland mule deer bucks on this late November hunt.


Muzzleloader Elk

Ike Eastman scours the oak brush of Colorado for a trophy mule deer. But the timber proves to be the big buck honey hole on this bow hunt.

Eastmans’ Annual Wyoming Buck-Off

Brothers Ike and Guy Eastman hunt mule deer together in the aspen pockets of Wyoming. An October snow storm finally gives the hunters the advantage they need.

Colorado Elk at 10 Yards!

Get up close and personal with a bull elk when the 2018 Eastmans’ hunt winner takes his trophy at 10 yards!

The Tripod Bull

Hunt post-rut bulls with Bill Neff and Ike Eastman in southern Colorado. The duo turns up more than elk when they stumble on a napping mountain lion.

DIY Antelope Bow Hunting, 2018

Close the distance on antelope in Wyoming with Eastmans’ staffers Brandon Mason and Jordan Breshears.

Hunting Oakbrush Bucks

Guy Eastman takes the low country for an early season muzzleloader elk trophy. Eastman gets up close and personal to get the job done. Then travel to Montana to hunt whitetail deer on the plains.

Bowhunting Wyoming Bulls

Bowhunter Dan Pickar hunts public land elk at the tail end of the rut.

Bowhunting Nevada Muleys

Travel to the mountains of Nevada with archer Brian Barney. Barney is after a mule deer buck with his stick and string.

Mule Deer Hunt with the 2018 Eastman’s Hunt Winner

Hunt with lucky EASTMANS’ HUNTING JOURNAL subscriber David Matthias as he joins Guy Eastman in Montana for a mule deer hunt. Matthias was the winner of the 2018 EHJ hunt giveaway an opportunity he won’t soon forget!

African Game Hunting in Zimbabwe

Travel to southern Africa with Ike Eastman and his friend Fred Trueblood. The pair battles Zimbabwe’s dense scrub to hunt buffalo and hippo. An encounter with several poachers


Bow Hunting Wyoming Elk

Bowhunter Dan Pickar heads to the timber of central Wyoming for a DIY elk hunt. This public land hunt is packed with elk encounters.

Two-For-One Black Bears

Join a father-son duo hunting trophy black bears in southern Colorado. It ends with a bang when two bears hit the ground only minutes apart!

Speed Goat Hunting In Colorado

Go antelope hunting in Colorado with Guy Eastman. Eastman is joined by the Brent Murphy of Nebraska who is hunting for his first trophy pronghorn buck. Murphy is the first EASTMANS’ HUNTING JOURNAL digital subscription hunt winner. 

2017 Eastmans' Elk Hunt Winner

Join the 2017 Eastmans’ elk hunt winner in pursuit of trophy elk in Colorado. The hunters battle wet conditions and foggy mornings, but with Guy Eastman’s help, John Christensen puts a behemoth bull to his final bed.

Bow Hunting Montana Elk

Bowhunter Brian Barney of Eastmans’ Elevated is chasing bugling bulls in Montana. Barney must get creative to arrow a bull as the season close creeps in on him. 

Marco Polo Sheep Hunting, Part 1

Guy Eastman travels across the world to fulfill his dream to hunt Marco Polo sheep. Eastman isn’t disappointed when he puts the crosshairs on a world record class ram. This hunt isn’t for the faint of heart at altitudes topping 15,000 feet. 

Marco Polo Sheep Hunting, Part 2

Two Marco Polo rams eat rock in the conclusion of Guy Eastman’s hunt in Tajikistan. Eastman overcomes the elements to turn a dream three generations in the making into reality.

Hunting Colorado Pronghorn

Duke it out for the best antelope buck with the Eastman family on the prairie of Colorado. Mike, Guy and Ike all have pronghorn tags to fill, but the year’s poor horn growth heats the competition up.

2017 Eastmans' Deer Hunt Winner

Follow Guy Eastman to the rolling prairie hills of Montana where he joins Eastmans’ Hunting Journal hunt winner Dick Wood for a trophy mule deer hunt.

Bow Hunting Backcountry Muleys

Hike the backcountry of Idaho with bowhunter Brian Barney on his quest for a public land DIY deer trophy. This high-country hunt will take your breath away, and it’s not just the altitude!

DIY Antelope Bow Hunt

Hunt Wyoming public land antelope bucks with bowhunter Dan Pickar. This DIY hunt ends in a truly western fashion, up close and personal.

Bow Hunting Backcountry Bucks

Take to the high country after public land mule deer with bowhunter Dan Pickar. This DIY backcountry hunt will keep you on your toes as Pickar hunts a wily and wide velvet buck.

DIY Elk Double Feature

Guy Eastman returns to a familiar hunting unit for a DIY public land elk hunt. Meanwhile Eastmans’ subscriber Todd Fedor chases bulls in the Breaks country of Montana.

Bow Hunting Montana Mule Deer

Bowhunter Dan Pickar heads to Montana to notch a mule deer tag. Pickar scours open country to find a wide buck to stalk with his stick and string. 


Elite and Standard Members get to watch ALL EHTV Seasons!!

Bowhunting Elk in Grizz Country, Part 2

Return to the Wyoming wilderness with bowhunter Dan Pickar as he works to close the deal on a big bull. Hunting and harvesting in grizzly bear habitat means extra precautions, but Pickar is up to the challenge.

A 4th Generation Antelope Hunt

Comb the sagebrush prairie of Wyoming with Mike and Guy Eastman as they join their nephew on his first big game hunt for a trophy antelope.  Next it’s Guy’s turn to harvest a speed goat. 

Bowhunting Public Land Elk, 2016

Chase bugling bulls in the wilds of Idaho with bowhunter Jordan Breshears. Thick fog adds a dimension of difficulty as Breshears puts a final stalk on a nice public land bull. 

The Eastmans' Best Wyoming Bucks

The Eastman family revisits its favorite mule deer hunts in southwest Wyoming. Mike Eastman has hunted this area for over two decades. After his sons joined the fun, a yearly big buck battle of the generations has ensued.

Guy's "Catholic" Colorado Buck

Take to the oakbrush country of southern Colorado with Guy Eastman as he hunts for a trophy mule deer buck. Eastman is aiming to take a Boone and Crockett typical deer on this hunt. A close encounter with a monster nontypical might just change his mind.

Trophy Elk Hunting with the 2016 Eastmans' Hunt Winner

Watch Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal hunt winner Mike Roduner search for just the right bull with the help of Guy and Mike Eastman. There is no shortage of trophy bulls on this hunt. The guys encounter everything from a drop tine trophy to a big 7×8 bull.

Guy's Battle Worn Montana Monster

Head to the broken hills of Montana with Guy Eastman as he pursues rut weary bull elk. Much can change in the course of one night as Eastman learns on this hunt. Watch as he puts a 380 class trophy bull in it’s final bed.

Best of Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal Hunt Winners

Each year a lucky Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal subscriber wins the western elk hunt of a lifetime. Join Guy Eastman as he revisits the best hunt winner trophy bulls over the last decade.

Pope & Young Moose in British Columbia

Bowhunter Dan Pickar takes to the thick forest of British Columbia on a DIY moose hunt. The north country scenery is spectacular, but the bull Pickar arrows is even better.

An Antelope Sunflower Safari

Come to the field with the Eastman brothers in Colorado as they duke it out for best trophy antelope. Abundant moisture adds a new challenge to the hunt, as Ike battles a prairie covered in dense, noisy sunflowers.

Bowhunting Elk in Grizz Country, Part 1

Escape to the Wyoming wilderness with bowhunter Dan Pickar. He’s after a trophy bull, but he won’t be the only predator in these hills. This DIY public land hunt is in the heart of grizzly country.

Montana Trophy Speed Goats

Travel to the plains of Montana with Guy Eastman to pursue trophy antelope. Eastman joins his friend Rod Paschke to put the stalk on a couple of impressive speed goats.

Trophy Elk Hunting in Colorado

Hunt southern Colorado elk with Karen Seaman of Sportsman’s Warehouse. With Ike Eastman’s help, Seaman patiently hunts for just the right 6-point bull.

Bowhunting High-Country Bucks, 2016

Take to the mountains of Wyoming with bowhunter Brian Barney to hunt high-country mule deer. This hunt is a challenge under good circumstances, but hunter densities add another level of struggle for Barney.

Bowhunting the Montana Elk Rut, 2016

Battle the elements with bowhunter Brian Barney as he chases elk in Montana. Heavy rains try to slow Barney down, but he perseveres, and a bull elk takes a dirt nap.

Bowhunting Bighorn Sheep in the Missouri Breaks

Bowhunter Jake Popp heads to the Missouri Breaks with bow in hand for a once-in-a-lifetime bighorn sheep hunt. Eastmans’ bowhunter Dan Pickar is behind the camera to capture the action when Popp arrows a Montana trophy ram.

Bowhunting Spring Black Bears in Wyoming

Head to the mountains with bowhunter Dan Pickar as the Wyoming spring thaw sets in. Pickar is after a black bear freshly emerged from its den, but he’ll have to avoid local grizzly bears to get the job done.

Archery Antelope Hunt, 2016

Stalk speed goats with Eastmans’ bowhunter Jordan Breashears. This is a DIY public land hunt in the heart of central Wyoming. It takes a little creativity on Breshears’ part to put a buck on the ground.

2016 Eastmans' Hunt Winner Mule Deer

Join Guy Eastman and the lucky 2016 Eastmans’ hunt winner as he pursues a big mule deer buck in Montana. Each year one Eastmans’ Hunting Journal subscriber is randomly drawn to hunt with Guy in Montana. Maybe 2017 is your year?

Bowhunting Idaho Bucks

Archer Dan Pickar takes to Idaho’s desert high-country in search of a trophy mule deer. Pickar pulls out all the stops to get it done on a wide buck with his stick and string.



Elite and Standard Members get to watch ALL EHTV Seasons!!


Quebec Caribou

Brandon Mason travels to Quebec Arctic to huntQuebec/Labrador Caribou for his first time.

Wyoming Mule Deer, Part II

Guy Eastman continues on his journey in Southern Wyoming for a big velvet mule deer.

Montana Elk

Dan Pickar travels to his home state of Montana to bow hunt elk.

Mike Eastman's 2014 Colorado Elk

Mike Eastman hunts bull elk in southern Colorado and reflects on his legacy of elk hunting.

Idaho Black Bear 2014

Jordan Breshears hunts black bear during Idaho’s spring season.

Brandon Mason takes to the tundra to harvest a trophy caribou with his bow.

2016 Eastmans' Hunting TV Season Highlights

Join the Eastman family for a preview of the fall’s best antelope, deer and elk hunts. Enjoy this behind the scenes glimpse of hunts to be featured in the 2016 season of Eastmans’ Hunting TV.

Wyoming Mule Deer, Part I

Guy Eastman travels to Southern Wyoming to bowhunt big velvet mule deer.

Colorado Elk

Guy Eastman hunts for a giant bull elk during the Colorado rifle season.

Montana Mule Deer

Guy Eastman travels to Montana with the 2014 Eastmans’ hunt winner, Mike Irwin and his brother Jeff.

Ike Eastman's 2014 Wyoming Mule Deer

Ike Eastman travels to southern Wyoming in pursuit of a big sagebrush mule deer buck.

DIY Montana Antelope

Bowhunter Jordan Breashears hunts for pronghorn antelope in Montana

Guy Eastman's 2013 Montana Elk

Join Guy Eastman on his adventure in Montana in pursuit of a trophy bull elk.

Mike Eastman's 2014 Wyoming Antelope

Speed goats beware! Mike Eastman combs the plains of Wyoming for trophy antelope.

Bow Hunting Quebec Caribou 2014

Ike Eastman's 2013 Colorado Elk

Ike Eastman hunts bugling bulls in Colorado.


High Country Bow Hunt for Mule Deer

A nice hard-horned trophy mule deer hits in the ground from bowhunter Jordan Breshears’ high-angle shot. Breshears battles wet conditions and the challenge of a late archery hunt in this episode.

Alaska Caribou, Then & Now, Part 2

From Alaska’s peaks to its tundra, Guy Eastman is chasing caribou in the footsteps of his grandfather Gordon Eastman. Revisit some of Gordon’s original film segments as Guy hunts for a modern-day trophy caribou.

Public Land Bowhunting in Idaho, Part 2

Return to the forest with bowhunter Jordan Breshears as he pursues elk in Idaho. It comes down to the wire, but Breshears arrows a one-of-a-kind trophy just as the sun fades on his hunt.

Mike Eastman Hunts Sagebrush Mule Deer

Hunter Mike Eastman takes to the sagebrush hills of Wyoming on a quest for a trophy mule deer buck. Eastman is a connoisseur of all things mule deer, and he won’t squeeze the trigger until he finds just the right buck. With Guy Eastman behind the camera, Mike harvests a buck with Boone & Crockett backs.

Hunting Speed Goats in Wyoming

Eastmans’ staffer Brandon Mason takes to the arid foothills of western Wyoming to punch his pronghorn antelope tag. Then join hunters Jon Adams and John Pickar as they embark on their own speed goat hunts.

Colorado Elk Hunt with the 2013 Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal Hunt Winner

Hunting for a bull elk in the midst of the rut is a goal for many western hunters. Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal hunt winner, Travis John was the lucky subscriber to take to the field with Guy Eastman to harvest his own rutting trophy bull in southern Colorado.

Bowhunting Backcountry Bucks DIY

Bowhunter Dan Pickar takes to the mountains of Wyoming on a solo hunt for a trophy mule deer. Pickar is surprised by the big buck of a lifetime in this jaw-dropping hunt.

Season of Giants

Sit down with Mike Eastman as he shares stories from the 2014 hunting season. This was a season of giants for the Eastman family. You won’t want to miss the 2015 season fo Eastmans’ Hunting TV.

Alaska Dall's Sheep, Then & Now, Part 1

Hunter Guy Eastman reflects on 50 years of on the Alaskan landscape as he hunts Dall’s sheep in the same range where his grandfather Gordon Eastman filmed and hunted.

Public Land Bowhunting in Idaho, Part 1

Bow hunter Jordan Breshears takes to the timber of Idaho after a public land bull elk. Then join Guy Eastman as he hunts a coveted archery license.

Montana Deer Hunt with the 2013 EHJ Hunt Winner

Guy Eastman travels to Montana to join Eastmans’ 2013 deer hunt winner in pursuit of trophy mule deer. Each year one lucky EHJ subscriber is randomly selected to hunt western bucks with the help of Guy and Rod Paschke at Sizzlin’ S Outfitters.

Bowhunting Wyoming Antelope

Join Ike Eastman as he hunts pronghorn antelope on Wyoming’s “moon.” Little cover makes it difficult to get in bow range, but Eastman pulls out all the stops to a take a public land buck.

Bowhunting Montana Elk

Bowhunter Jordan Breshaers takes to the public land of his home state, Montana, after trophy elk. As the end of archery season approaches, Breshears must find a way to get a bull on the ground.

Bowhunting Hunting Mule Deer

Guy Eastman battles the deep sagebrush in his quest to arrow a Wyoming mule deer buck. Meanwhile archer Dan Pickar is scouring the high country of Montana on his own big buck mission.

Prairie Antelope Hunt with the Eastman Brothers

Join brothers Guy and Ike Eastman on a spot and stalk antelope hunt in southern Colorado. Dry and hot conditions make finding that trophy more difficult that typical years.

Wyoming Mule Deer Hunting

Come along with Ike Eastman on a mule deer hunt in the sagebrush country of southern Wyoming. Some might describe this hunting area as a buck hunter’s dream despite the effect of a recent drought. Persistence pays off on this hunt when Ike finds a trophy mossback buck.

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