Written by Jordan Breshears
Projected Application Deadlines
Species | Date Type | Resident/Non-resident | TagHub Data Access | Deer, Elk & Pronghorn | 1st Draw Application Deadline | June 5th | April 26, 2024 |
1st Draw Results | July 10th | ||
2nd Draw Application Deadline | August 15th | ||
2nd Draw Results | August 25th | ||
Moose, Sheep, Goat | 1st Draw Application Deadline | April 30th | February 16, 2024 |
1st Draw Results | Early June | ||
2nd Draw Application Deadline | June 25th | ||
2nd Draw Results | Late June | ||
Important Notes on Statistics 1. Overlapping Hunts | Many of Idaho’s hunts called “Controlled Area Hunts” cover multiple units and parts of units. Check the regs carefully. Descriptions may include things like private land but only in one unit or “within a half-mile of cultivated fields.”
2. Idaho does not break its general season harvest results out by season or by species, so reported harvest results for units with multiple general seasons are exactly the same even when multiple seasons in that unit are for different species. This affects deer, elk and pronghorn.
2. Idaho does not break its general season harvest results out by season or by species, so reported harvest results for units with multiple general seasons are exactly the same even when multiple seasons in that unit are for different species. This affects deer, elk and pronghorn.
License Costs & Fees
Species | Resident | Nonresident | Elk | $36.75 | $651.75 |
Deer | $24.75 | $351.75 |
Pronghorn | $36.50 | $342.75 |
Moose, Sheep or Goat | $199.75 | $2,626.75 |
Wolf | $13.75 | $31.75 |
Hunting License | $15.75 | $185.00 |
Archery or Muzzleloader Permit | $19.50 | $81.75 |
Controlled Hunt Non-Refundable Fee. Moose/Sheep/Goat | $16.75 | $47.75 |
Controlled Hunt Non-Refundable Fee. Deer/Elk/Pronghorn | $6.25 | $18.00 |
Agency Information
Idaho Department of Fish & Game Offices | |
State Headquarters | 208.334.3700 |
Panhandle Region | 208.769.1414 |
Clearwater Region | 208.799.5010 |
Southwest Region | 208.465.8465 |
McCall Region | 208.634.8137 |
Magic Valley Region | 208.324.4359 |
Southeast Region | 208.232.4703 |
Upper Snake Region | 208.525.7290 |
Salmon Region | 208.756.2271 |
Guides/Outfitters: 205.342.1438 | ioga.org | |
ID BLM Office: 208.373.4000 | |
U.S. Forest Service | |
Northern Region 1 - 406.329.3439 | Mountain Region 4 - 801.625.5605 |
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