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Hunters Step Up To The Plate AGAIN!

Photo Credit: David Mark

Hunters Step Up To The Plate AGAIN!

By Brandon Mason

In an era where we seem to see the worst of humanity, there is still a remnant of decency and integrity that runs through the veins of sportsmen.

Sportsmen are the very reason why our North American Model of Wildlife Conservation works, and has worked for over a century.

As reported by the Cowboy State Daily, and as seen on social media, “An avid hunter from LaBarge, Wyoming has an idea to save a few deer this fall after a vicious winterkill: Turn deer tags into raffle tickets for expensive prizes.”

It is no secret that Wyoming’s big game populations have been devastated in the winter of ‘22-’23. As hunters, we ask ourselves, “Now what? Where will I hunt this fall or where should I apply to hunt this fall?”

In extreme circumstances, extreme measures often need to be taken to right the ship. Zachary Key is pulling out all the stops to help Wyoming big game recover, and reward fellow hunters for participating with a giveaway with over $100,000 in prizes:

How To Enter!  Place your phone number on the back of your carcass coupon on your general or limited quota deer license and mail it to P.O. Box 147, La Barge, WY 83123.  Your name and phone number will then be entered into a random lottery raffle for a chance to win one of the below-mentioned prizes, valuing over $100,000!!!  

It’s no secret, the 2022/2023 winter was extremely challenging for our wildlife.  The design of this program is to take some pressure off the icon of Wyoming and #LetADeerWalk!  This is a statewide initiative!

This program is not meant to discourage hunting, please get outdoors, go deer hunting, buy an elk tag or two, get a black bear tag, spend time with family and friends outdoors. If you’re on the fence this year, then please participate in this raffle!

Click on the links above for more information and how you can join in!

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