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BLM Sage Grouse Management Plan Public Meetings: COMMENT HERE!


BLM Sage Grouse Management Plan Public Meetings: COMMENT HERE!

By Todd Helms

The Bureau of Land Management is holding public meetings across Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming to answer questions and provide information on its sage grouse management plan featuring “new conservation science”. The schedule for the Wyoming meetings is as follows… 

  • Thursday, April 18 at the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave., in Cheyenne
  • Monday, April 22 at the White Mountain Library, 2935 Sweetwater Drive, in Rock Springs
  • Tuesday, April 23 at the Washakie County Library, 801 Big Horn Ave., in Worland
  • Wednesday, April 24, in the Midwest Edgerton Room at the Agricultural Resource Learning Center, 2011 Fairgrounds Road, in Casper

I’m planning on attending but there’s a public comment page here if you can’t make it, click here to read the draft. 

I for one get pretty leary any time the federal government tosses around language like “new conservation science,” or “…advance in a manner that limits impacts to sensitive resources and aids in combating climate change…” 

Color me cynical but President Reagan’s quote, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.”, sprang to mind almost immediately upon reading about this “improved” draft plan. Don’t get me wrong, sage grouse are in trouble as is the sagebrush ecosystem they call home but I want to know exactly what the Government has in mind with this updated plan and you should too! 


  1. BLM Public Meetings
  2. BLM Updated Sage Grouse Plan
  3. BLM National Press Release of Plan
  4. Public Meeting Schedule

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