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Arizona Man Eaten By Bear


AZ Man Eaten By Bear

By Andrew Gillet

The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem isn’t the only part of the country experiencing bear-human conflict. In a shocking event this week a black bear fatally attacked a man in Arizona while he was drinking his morning coffee. The mauling was described as predatory in nature and according to one report the adult boar began consuming the man in front of neighbors who were honking car horns and yelling. The bear was eventually shot and killed by a neighbor, unfortunately not in time for the victim. Although uncommon, black bear attacks can and do occur. Friday’s mauling took place in Groom Creek, a semi-remote residential area among the ponderosa pines near Prescott. The area has been known to have issues with nuisance bears in the past. When these things happen it’s a reminder to all of us who spend time outdoors to remain bear aware, even outside of grizzly country. In Arizona bear spray is uncommon, but the state does allow hunters to carry a sidearm even when archery hunting. In addition to being equipped to defend yourself, everyone in bear habitat should keep a clean area with food and highly fragrant items stored away from sleeping areas, have a mobile or satellite communication device and work with a companion whenever possible.   Source:,the%20bear%20attacked%2C%20apparently%20unprovoked.

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